Small 2-Piece Card Holder Stands (5ct)

SKU: 82022

Sale price$2.99 or 60 PRO Points
selected_variant.price - 299
selected_variant.price | money - $2.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," - 2.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," | times: 20 | round - 60


Unique two-piece stand with an easel back that slides and adjusts to hold collectibles at various angles of display. These stands are designed to "hide" behind the holder and minimize disruption to the display of the card. Ideal for use with ONE-TOUCH holders, screwdown holders, and top loaders.

(*One-Touch holder not included)

Payment & Security

American Express Apple Pay Diners Club Discover Meta Pay Google Pay Mastercard PayPal Shop Pay Venmo Visa

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