Hockey Puck Light Wood Base Display Holder

SKU: 81212

Sale price$7.99 or 160 PRO Points
selected_variant.price - 799
selected_variant.price | money - $7.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," - 7.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," | times: 20 | round - 160


Protect your valuable memorabilia with Ultra PRO's puck holder. The puck is fully protected and enclosed in a round case to prevent contact with dirt and dust. The round case is installed on a sleek light wood base and is sure to be a welcome addition to any collector's personal collection. (*Puck not included)

  • Stylish display stand for one memorabilia puck
  • Puck is fully encased to minimize dirt and dust contamination
  • Puck is displayed on a sleek light wood stand that is sure to fit any decor
  • Ultra-clear, non-PVC display that will protect your valuables and brighten up any personal collection

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