Florida Man

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SKU: 14990

Sale price$19.99 or 400 PRO Points
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Extra! Extra! Today's headline says Florida Man is up to it again! But wait, is this headline true or false? Can you tell the difference? This game will keep you guessing which headlines actually went down and which ones haven't actually happened. . . yet.

  • Florida Man is up to it again in this board game of crazy news headlines!
  • Guess which news headline is true to win! 2 to 10 players
  • Contents include 200 cards, 30 Voting Gator Tokens, 10 Florida T-shirt Figures, 10 Standees, 1 Gameboard
  • Average playtime of 15 minutes per game
  • Designed for 2-10 players ages 17 and up

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