Each of the 60 Dragon’s Lair Series 1 collector cards features actual gameplay artwork from the beloved Don Bluth video game franchise. And along the way, try to find the hidden treasures of holofoil parallel, serial-numbered, Gemstone Refractor™ and case-hit Culture Shokz™ Cards.
Singe has his treasures, now it’s your chance to amass your own horde of Dragon’s Lair cards. Hurry…your adventure is about to begin!
Pack Odds:
Parallel Holofoil 1:2, Parallel Stone Holofoil 1:2, Parallel Vintage Flashbax™, Serial-Numbered Gemstone Refractor™ 1:10, Death by Dirk Eco-Foil 1:12, Culture Shokz™ 1:96, Creator Autograph Card 1:225*
*Final set contents and pack odds may vary on final product