10 Dice

SKU: 10244

Sale price$19.99 or 400 PRO Points
selected_variant.price - 1999
selected_variant.price | money - $19.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," - 19.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," | times: 20 | round - 400


Everything starts with the roll of a die! Each round, you roll a total of 10 dice. The dice, and the words on them, will inspire you! The goal is to come up with an idea born from the association of the number of words listed on the board. That idea can be whatever you want: an object, a character, a location, a title...there's no limit!

  • Party game in which players roll the dice and pick out words as clues to their secret answer
  • Board is double-sided to play cooperatively or competitively
  • Teams take turns guessing your secret answer based on your clues. Choose the right answer and score for your team
  • Contents include 24 custom clue word dice, 2 pawns, 1 double sided board, 1 dice tray, 1 rulebook
  • Designed for 2 to 8 players ages 10 and up; average 30 minutes per game

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