2022-2023 Donruss NBA Basketball Fat Pack #13078


Sale price$6.99 or 140 PRO Points
selected_variant.price - 699
selected_variant.price | money - $6.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," - 6.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," | times: 20 | round - 140


  • Donruss makes its return for the 2022-23 NBA season! Collect the iconic Rated Rookies this year, which includes 50 of the top newcomers!
  • Look for a variety of Retail exclusive parallels and insert content! Find various exclusives for each retail SKU!
  • Fat Packs are the only place to find Holo Pink Laser (#’d to 50)

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