Pokémon Trainer Guess Legacy: An Electronic Game for Ages 6 and up

SKU: 10284

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Test your Pokémon knowledge with Trainer Guess! Just think of a Pokémon and answer the questions. Trainer Guess will figure out what Pokémon you're thinking of! No reading or buttons are required to play, simply speak to the Poké Ball and it will understand you and speak back using speech recognition! This new 25th Anniversary Legacy Edition is a special mix of all Pokémon!
  • Think of a Pokémon..any Pokémon and Trainer Guess will guess it!
  • After a few questions, the ball will tell you which Pokémon you’re thinking of
  • Use speech recognition - no buttons, no reading! Talk to the Poké Ball, it will understand you and talk back to you
  • Let the included field guide help you guess and collect 148 Pokemon that went down as legends of all Regions from Kanto to Galar!
  • For 1 or more players ages 6+, 15 minutes playing time. Contents include Poké Ball, Field Guide and 3 AAA batteries.

    ASIN: B0947GLNDG

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