Celestial Island Life Pad for Magic: The Gathering

SKU: 18296

Sale price$3.99 or 80 PRO Points
selected_variant.price - 399
selected_variant.price | money - $3.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," - 3.99
selected_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: "," | times: 20 | round - 80


This Life Pad contain custom printed pages to help you organize score totals as you play through each game. Each Life Pad contains 60 pages and is secured with an elastic band.

  • Official Magic: The Gathering Life Pad to track life totals and games won and lost
  • Custom printed pages to help you better track your game and organize your score totals as you play
  • Elastic strap keeps the cover securely shut
  • 60 pages per pad


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